#TM-7 Green logistics at Eroski: A case study
#TM-7 3.4. Optimising environmental impact In Section english : Moreover, methods for solving VRP are use to produce routes with a specific minimisation criteria. Typically, distance, time, and cost are the parameters used to produce, respectively, a matrix of distance, time, and cost between all delivery points and depot. Now, the objective is to design those routes that generate the lower levels of CO2 emissions to atmosphere and, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to build a matrix of CO2 emissions based on the estimation of CO2 emitted between each link (Palmer, 2007). Then, in this section we use the optimisation model (1)–(8) shown in Section 3.2 changing only Eq. (1) into (1’). (Palmer, 2007,Paragraf -2 ) INDONESIA : Selain itu, metode untuk memecahkan VRP digunakan untuk menghasilkan rute dengan kriteria minimalisasi tertentu. Biasanya, jarak, waktu, dan biaya adalah parameter yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan, masi...