
Showing posts from March, 2019


#TM4-Manufering Definisi Manufering/manuver  adalah geralkan yang bertujuan untuk mengubah posisi dan mengarahkan obyek,atau suatu gerakan yang mencoba membuat seseorang bertindak dengan gerakan cara tertentu . cot : manuver mobil yang berarti gerakan belok kiri dan kanan serta maju dan mudur Pengertian Manuver itu dibagi menjadi 4 yaitu  1. KAPAL  adalah suatu bentuk kemampuan kapal untuk dapat melakukan gerakan (perubahan posisi dan kecepatan kapal) dibawah kendali operator kapal. kapal banyak melakukan manuver karena faktor arus, gelombang, angin ,dan kedalamam perairan. 2. POLITIK  adalah suatu gerakan yang bertujuan untuk merebut kekuasaan secara cepat ,tepat ,dan tangkas 3. ZAVANELLI  adalah suah bentuk obstetrik dengan melakukan dorongan kembali kapal janin ke dalam jalan lahir untuk kemudian dilakukan operasi cesar dalam kasus distosi bahu. dalam hal ini hanya akan dilakukan apabila percobaan manuver lainnya telah gagal dan juga karena ti...

#TM3 Poor Flow Between Work Areas

#TM 3 Poor Flow Between Work Areas QUESTION NO 04 INGGRIS  What is meant by workplace arrangement? Arrangement in the workplace is very very important in managing the right work area. This is very useful to anticipate the occurrence of work accidents and the existence of diseases. A good work arrangement such as arranging workplaces and storage areas that are clean, orderly and neat. Think of items and equipment that might be considered insignificant from the work area so as not to interfere with work activities. The importance of a bad work area has its own characteristics, the characteristics of a poor workplace arrangement include: ·           A little light or lighting, a work area that is not neat or even tends to be dirty. ·           Materials or work equipment are placed improperly. ·           One machine with another ma...

# TM-2 Unloading activities at "our" plan

# TM-2 Unloading activities at "our" plan QUESTION NO 04 Bongkar Muat english . Loading and unloading is one of the activities carried out in the process of forwarding (shipping) goods. Loading activity is the process of moving goods from a warehouse, raising them up and stacking them on a boat, while loading and unloading is a process of removing goods from the ship and arranging them in a warehouse in a port or stock pile or container yard.          The tools used for loading and unloading activities are : 1. Grabs is a loading / unloading tool that is often used to load / unload dry bulk items. 2. Bucket is a tub with a certain capacity that is used to load bulk goods or bags. 3. Crane is a device with a certain capacity that is used to raise / lower the goods from / to the ship. 4. Sling is a snare for loads made from ropes, including wire or steel straps, the point is to lift or lower the muata from / to the ship. 5. Forklifts are four-whe...